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Khmer Program

AGPS’ General Khmer Government Education Program is under the supervision of MoEYS. The Program provides all the core subjects from Preschool to Secondary school, based on the National Curriculum designed by MoEYS which is aligned with AGPS’ International Program based on the American Common Core State Standard Curriculum.

The total study hours of our Khmer Program is in consonance with the requirements of the MoEYS as stipulated in the Cambodian Curriculum Framework of General Education and Technical Education, Department of Curriculum Development, 2015. AGPS has 46 total numbers of weeks or 230 days of actual contact time with our students thus making our learning longer as compared to MoEYS’ 35 weeks or equivalent to 175 days. Quality education therefore is assured.  Moreover, AGPS provides regular Professional Development Training to its teachers to keep them abreast of the latest trends and development in Cambodian Education.

Ministry of Education Youth and Sports (MoEYS) of Cambodia:

Number of Hours Required for each Subject Matter per Week (For Khmer Program)

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Subject area components are: Khmer Language (Writing, dictation, composing, grammar, recitation, and reading text); Science (Physics, Earth-Environmental Science, Chemistry, Biology); Social Studies (History, Geography, Moral-Civics, Home Economics); 


Assessments and National State Examinations

The MoEYS sets the guidelines on the conduct of examinations which AGPS adheres to. There are three kinds of exams that every Khmer student must take as per requirement. These are: monthly assessment, final semester 1 assessment, and final semester 2 assessment. Aside from the set assessments, AGPS uses other forms of test to monitor the progress of our students like weekly quiz, regular homework, library research, making projects, among others.


Our Khmer Program students have to sit for three important exams in their academic life.

1. Grade 6 Exam: It is the border between Primary and Secondary. All students are required to take Final Semester 1 and Final Semester 2 exams which will be supervised by the MoEYS.  

2. Grade 9 National Exam: It is the assessment of students for moving from phase 1 (called Lower Secondary) to phase 2 (called Upper Secondary) within the secondary program. Exams will be supervised by the MoEYS like the Grade 6 exams. 

3. Grade 12 National Exam. This is a qualifying exam for students who would continue their studies in the Government Universities. This exam requires extensive knowledge to pass. AGPS Academic Support Team shall be readily available to provide review for students.

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